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My BIG obsession with Movies

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My Fav Movie Review
My BIG obsession with Movies

Ok! So I am girl in love with movies. However, not every movie enters into my heart and revolves my soul. I like the classic comedy/romantic movies. I am girly, I love happily ever afters, long sweet kisses, moments that...well stick to your mind forever and make your heart pump.

High Fidelity
The character I would like to know


I've seen a lot of movies, thousand I might risk to say. However, there's no character I would like to know the best like John Cusack in High Fidelity. I mean, come on! he's amazing, classifying everything into TOP 5. I really love the part when he makes a TOP 5 of the things he misses the most about his ex. Are men so concentrated in details like those?
I know, he dresses not so nice, kinda too shrinked, but I just love him! I do like John Cusack, I mean the actor in a role, I don't necessarily like him. I wish my life could be like that movie in a way, pausing to explain why you say something, do something, talk to someone; it would be amazing!
Another detail special to me from this movie, his music appreciation! He makes cassettes taking into consideration every aspect, every feeling, what it would mean to the other person. How I wish I could do a tape like his. However, first I would die as a DJ, (not a good taste in music for some) and then I'm not the best person knowing about music in the World. I like this movie for so many reasons, but  basically, it would enter into THE CHARACTER I WOULD LIKE TO MEET!


Top five things I miss about Laura. 

One; sense of humor. Very dry, but it can also be warm and forgiving. And she's got one of the best all time laughs in the history of all time laughs, she laughs with her entire body. 
Two; she's got character. Or at least she had character before the Ian nightmare. She's loyal and honest, and she doesn't even take it out on people when she's having a bad day. That's character. 
Three; I miss her smell, and the way she tastes. It's a mystery of human chemistry and I don't understand it, some people, as far as their senses are concerned, just feel like home. 
Four; I really dig how she walks around. It's like she doesn't care how she looks or what she projects and it's not that she doesn't care it's just, she's not affected I guess, and that gives her grace. 
And five; she does this thing in bed when she can't get to sleep, she kinda half moans and then rubs her feet together an equal number of times... it just kills me. Believe me, I mean, I could do a top five things about her that drive me crazy but it's just your garden variety women you know, schizo stuff and that's the kind of thing that got me here.

How to Know if You are Watching HIGH FIDELITY

1. Anyone says "Top 5"

2. A band / musician is mentioned

3. Rob smokes a cigarette

4. Cassette tapes are shown or mentioned

5. Barry insults anyone's taste

6. Anyone makes or receives a phone call

7. Rob stands out in the rain


High Fidelity - Quotes I like

1. It's brilliant, being depressed; you can behave as badly as you like. (Rob)

2. What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music? (Rob)

3. Read any women's magazine and you'll see the same complaint over and over again: men--those little boys ten or twenty or thirty years on--are hopeless in bed. They are not interested in 'foreplay'; they have no desire to stimulate the erogenous zones of the opposite sex; they are selfish, greedy, clumsy, unsophisticated. These complaints, you can't help feeling, are kind of ironic. Back then, all we wanted was foreplay, and girls weren't interested. They didn't want to be touched, caressed, stimulated, aroused; in fact, they used to thump us if we tried. It's not really surprising, then, that we're not much good at all that. We spent two or three long and extremely formative years being told very forcibly not even to think about it. Between the ages of fourteen and twenty-four, foreplay changes from being something that boys want to do and girls don't, to something that women want and men can't be bothered with. ... The perfect match, if you ask me, is between the Cosmo woman and the fourteen-year old boy.

My all time  Dancing Scene I Would Love to be in

The Death I Hated to Watch

I canīt deny, death can break our hearts. I could tell you easily, my all-time most hateful death: CITY OF ANGELS. I mean, he suffered so much to be with her, she was so excited being with him, not even one complete day together, BOOM! they are apart. That is the essence of the movie, I know! but it's so sad.
